Why Listing Info Is Important

Sarasota SEO Company

You may be the owner of a business that proudly boasts one storefront or perhaps you are the CEO of a company that is growing in locations daily – in either case, there is one thing that is vital to the success of your online marketing efforts and that is your LOCAL listings and Google Maps Search. Whether you have a lot of knowledge in this arena or not, we challenge you to stick around and hear us out so that you can truly understand the importance of these categories on the web.

Many people don’t completely understand the local search directory, but it is just that – a directory. Think about when people (way back when) searched the yellow pages for the business that they were looking for. In today’s incredible times, all that is automated and head up by the internets biggest King, Google!

Google works a lot of the trust factor. When you run a search with keywords for your business (the terms you hope to come up high for) you may see a few businesses with their names and information right up top. How do they get there? It comes down to the trust that Google has in them and the accuracy of their listing.

Here’s a great story from Moz about trust online:

I don’t go to the bank that often. So when it came time, I got out my phone, punched out Google Maps, and then proceeded to walk for the next seven blocks with my face buried in my phone, checking my Twitter and email and whatever. When the little lady inside told me I’d arrived, I looked up and saw that the place was closed. Not even just closed for the day. It was closed altogether. So that is Google’s greatest fear, because if there’s one reason why you, me, anyone will stop using Google is if that happens over and over again. If I repeatedly get sent to businesses that don’t exist, if I try to call them and the call information is incorrect, then I’m going to stop using Google, and so Google takes that very seriously.

Is your Google My Business completely filled out but you still haven’t reached the top? This is where Google turns to other places on the web to see your reliability. Its algorithm is matching your info in your listing with the info it can find all over the internet for you. This is why it is excellent to have your own website, social media pages, blogs, and so on that contain your vital business info. The more conformity and uniformity – the better in Google’s eyes!

Have any questions about how you can get your listing ranking higher on Google? Contact RizoTech, your Sarasota SEO Company, anytime and we would be happy to come up with a strategy to get more eyes (and clicks!) on your business pages!

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