Social GURUS: Just STOP!
Social Media “Experts” & “Gurus” will tell you to engage, but are they?
Today’s quick tip is about not just listening to everything the “social experts” tell you, but finding out for yourself what is important on your social media platforms. Engagement is KEY! Be real with your followers. Answer their questions. Ask them how their day is going. Watch out for “gurus” who won’t interact back with you or give you the time of day. No matter how big you get, always remember to talk & connect with your followers. When working with your Sarasota Social Media Management Company, be sure that they are connecting with you & that you feel that you are involved in the process.
No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care. The same goes for business! Share with your audience. Let them get to know you & spend some time getting to know them. Not only will this help your business relationships flourish, but you will get more insight into what it is that your audience wants and needs. These are the types of businesses that generally get great referrals as well. When people like working with someone, they want to pass that along to their friends and family.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by! Contact us with any questions you may have on how we can help you and your online social presence!